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Upcoming Elections Notice


Elections for all Union Officers and Delegates will take place in September 2014.

In order to run for office, you must be a current member of BCFPE and have been a member in good standing for at least the last 12 consecutive months prior to September 2, 2014. Interested parties shall submit a petition signed by at least five (5) members in good standing to the Chair of the Election Committee at or before the September membership meeting:

September 2, 2014

Nomination forms may be dropped off at the BCFPE office addressed to the Election Chair.

When submitting petitions, please indicate the position for which you are running:
President, Executive Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or
Area Vice President and Delegate
(Area I Public Works/Rec and Parks, Area II Corrections, Area III 911 Call Center, Area IV Fire/Police/Sheriff, Area V Aging/Health and Social Services, Area VI Finance/ Property Management/Personnel/Retirement, Area VII DEPS/OIT/PAI).

    The Membership meeting will be held in   
 Room 104 of the Jefferson Building from 4 to 6 P.M.
105 W. Chesapeake Avenue

Ballots will be mailed on September 10, 2014 by Elections USA Inc.
and must be returned by September 25, 2014 to Elections USA Inc.

If you have not received a ballot by September 15, 2014 please notify the committee chair to receive a replacement ballot.  Replacement ballots can be requested no later than September 17, 2014.

The newly elected officers shall assume their responsibilities on the
first Monday of October, 2014 for a term of three years.

Each candidate may submit a brief biography to be displayed on the BCFPE website for members to view and use in determining their voting preference.
These biographies must be submitted to the Election Committee by 9:00 a.m. on
September 10, 2014.

Nomination petitions may be obtained from the BCFPE office, the website or emailing the Election Chair at

Click to download:

BCFPE Executive Board Nomination Form 2014

BCFPE Delegate Nomination Form 2014


Notice of Upcoming Elections
General Membership Meeting Flyer

Phone: 410-296-1875 ~ Fax: 410-296-1879

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