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BCFPE Elects New Officers

The Baltimore County Federation of Public Employees held officer elections Tuesday, September 27th. Here are the official results:

President- John Ripley

Executive Vice President- William Eaton

Secretary- Lisa Citizen

Treasurer- Dene Williams-Hatcher

Area I V.P.- Gary Smith, Sr.

Area II V.P.- Brian Reed

Area III V.P.- Arley Scott

Area IV V.P.- Paula Laughter

Area V V.P.-Bob Ridgely

Area VI V.P.- OPEN

Area VII V.P.- Aaron Tsui

Congratulations to all of the elected officials!

Over the last few years BCFPE has come a long way, but there is still much to do.  With Union Membership at a 13 year high, the BCFPE leadership team is certain that it can meet the challenges it faces and continue to move  forward! 

Please urge others to join our cause. There has not been a time in our recent labor history where the need for visible strength was so critical and the timing is now. Thank you, John.



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