President John Ripley addressed his membership at the annual meeting at the BCFPE headquarters in Towson, MD. He brought those in attendance up to date on the affairs of the union. Of particular note to members were union financial affairs and the union’s electoral activity. Finances are always an important part of any organization, but President Ripley was eager to report that the local is in good financial standing and has no reason to raise member dues. In addition, the union is preparing to engage in upcoming negotiations. Members were updated on how that would proceed and the members of the negotiating committee.
President Ripley also discussed the union’s electoral activities. With the general election right around the corner, Ripley stressed the message of “we get to pick our next boss.” This is in reference to members electing the next County Executive who ultimately is the boss of Baltimore county employees. Placing yard signs, engaging other members on official AFL-CIO labor walks, and participating in phone banking are all ways that BCFPE members can volunteer and get active in the upcoming election.
While not only explaining that members’ votes would be key, Ripley explained how the union funds its political activities. He explained what the Committee on Political Education (COPE) committee was, how it gets funding, and how those funds are used. Following the formal meeting, Vice President Adam Hendrix passed out union t-shirts and hats to those who wanted them.