Do you know an AFT member who has made a difference in his or her workplace? Someone who has had a profound and positive impact on the community? Someone whose extraordinary contribution in his or her field of work, or to the lives of others, has been heroic?
Please nominate your Everyday Hero by filling out a brief form by Jan. 31, 2014, at www.aft.org/everydayheroes, and you will be entered to win a $250 gift card.
We will identify semifinalists from each of our constituencies: teachers, PSRPs (paraprofessionals and school-related personnel), early childhood educators, higher education faculty and staff, public employees, healthcare professionals and retirees.
Semifinalists will receive votes online, and the nominee in each constituency with the most votes will be chosen as a finalist. Each finalist will be honored at the 2014 AFT convention in Los Angeles.
Nominate as many people as you like. Your nominee must be an AFT member.