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Support Collective Bargaining in Ocean City

From our friends at the Ocean City Employees Coalition:

We would like to take a moment to wish you and your family well during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. These are devastating times and we’d like you to rest assured that we, your Town employees, are working hard to restore Ocean City to its previous state. Circumstances like those presently faced by the town can be trying for all those involved.  It has been our pleasure in the last few days to work with agencies such as the National Guard and the State Highway Administration to assess the damage caused by the storm and to work expediently to restore the Town to peace.  Collaboration and working together is always the best way to confront issues: Teamwork Works!!

This is one reason why we are asking for your vote next week on the charter amendment. A vote from you would help us ensure that we have a voice on the Town of Ocean City team and will be able to continue to collaborate with town officials to overcome challenges like the ones we have faced this week.  We all have a stake in the success of Ocean City.  Some of our employees live right here in town and are affected by the quality services that are provided--- just as you are. Our co-workers who live in neighboring towns understand how precious the work we do really is.  They, too, are committed to the success of Ocean City.  

A vote “FOR” the Town of Ocean City charter amendment in the municipal election would grant us the ability to collectively bargain with the town administrators, setting fair parameters in which we can continue to work with them to make sure that we are able to provide outstanding services to you and your family for years to come.

Thank you and let’s make Ocean City even stronger!  

The Ocean City Employee Coalition (OCEC)

We work for you.  Please support us on November 6th.

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