There are so many points of uncertainty for workers across the nation that many turn to their union for a sense of certainty and security. The Baltimore County Federation of Public Employees (BCFPE) Local 4883, has continuously been a source of security for members. One hallmark of the stability the union has been able to provide members is reaching tentative agreements that secure solid pay, much desired benefits, and presenting them before the body with enough time and resources to engage in the democratic process of approving any collective bargaining agreement.
BCPFE continues in that tradition with its recently reached tentative agreement with the county. This will extend the contract through June 30, 2027. In addition there are enhanced benefits for all bargaining unit members, while also rewarding vested county employees with historic increases. Key tenets of the agreement include annual cost of living adjustments (COLA) set to take effect in 2025, '26, and '27 as well as bargaining unit members being exempt from furlough or lay-offs in the years covered by the contract (FY25-FY27). (See proposed payscales for Payscale 1, Payscale 1C, and Payscale 1E) Those are just a few of the benefits members can expect in the new tentative agreement.
Click here for a copy of the signed TA.
“I am pleased that we were able to negotiate these benefits for our members and grateful to the County for recognizing the important and necessary contributions of BCFPE members. We (the union) continue to strive to make the working conditions and benefits of county employees in our bargaining unit the best it can possibly be. In order to do that, our negotiating team, executive board, and general membership must be aligned on important values. We believe this tentative agreement is a result of all of us pulling in the right direction,” said BCFPE President John Ripley
“This contract continues to put county employees in a position of security and stability. The negotiating team was determined to bring back important wins for county employees and that’s what this agreement does. I’m eager for the membership to take a look at it and ultimately ratify it so we can continue to work on behalf of BCFPE members,” said BCFPE Executive Vice President Chris Morgan
BCFPE will continue to update the membership with timely updates on the ratification process and urges members to vigilantly check their emails for updates.
Article by AFT Maryland staff
updated 2024-04-15