Ballots for the 2020 BCFPE Elections for all Union Officers will be mailed via Elections USA.
- Please see the NOTICE OF UPCOMING BCFPE ELECTIONS flyer below for further information.
- Ballots will be mailed by Elections USA by Sept. 11, 2020, and must be received back (not postmarked, but received) in their P.O. Box by Sept. 29, 2020.
- If you have not received a ballot by September 18, 2020 please notify the committee chair immediately to receive a replacement ballot. Replacement ballots can be requested no later than September 18, 2020.
- Executive Board Nominations form is available below.
- Executive Board nominations are due by the General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, September 1, 2020.
Candidate bios will be linked here, as they become available.
- President
- John Ripley [link]
- James Paige
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Dene Williams-Hatcher
- Area 1 VP (Public Works/Recreation and Parks)
- vacant
- Area 2 VP (Corrections)
- Area 3 VP (911 Center)
- Area 4 VP (Fire/Police/Sheriff)
- Angela Spencer
- Area 5 VP (Aging/Health and Social Services)
- Philbert E Christian
- Area 6 VP (Finance/Property Management Personnel/Retirement)
- Hermes L Rios
- Area 7 VP (DEPS/OIT/PAI)
- Sarah Witcher
Questions or requests may be directed to the Election Chair, Rick Steinhauser, at