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On June 3, 2021 at the scheduled BCFPE Executive Board Meeting and September 1, 2021 General Membership Meeting, membership were notified of the pass thru dues increase for both the state and national federations. The pass thru dues increase totals $1.47 per pay making the BCFPE dues deduction a total of $25.43 per pay effective September 1, 2021.   Please note that dues have not been increased by the local since 2016 and the $1.47 increase is accumulative of all deferred scheduled increase by AFT-Maryland and AFT National since 2016.  American Federation of Teachers (National) provides research, publications, mobilization support, recruitment material, annual auditing, local support, and a host of other membership benefits. AFT-Maryland provided the leadership and guidance for local negotiations. AFT-Maryland has made some of BCFPE's issues priority legislation in Annapolis and given organizing assistance to promote local autonomy. AFT-Maryland remains committed to ensure BCFPE's Local success. MORE

On November 14, 2019, the BCFPE Executive Board voted unanimously to appoint Brother Philbert Christian and Sister Graceann Rehbein to vacant Area Vice President positions on the board, for the remainder of the current term.

Brother Christian has been an active BCFPE member since joining county services over five years ago. Brother Christian also brings with him many decades of union experience, including being an active retired member of our sister union, City Union of Baltimore (CUB) and served on an Executive Committee for Antigua and Barbuda Union of Teachers (ABUT). Brother Christian will


Contract Ratification Vote Results

Sisters and Brothers,

I am pleased to report that the BCFPE FY2022/FY2023 Contract Ratification Voting has ended and membership ACCEPTED the proposal by a vote of 98.9%

Special thanks to everyone who took the time to vote!


John Ripley, Union President
Baltimore County Federation of Public Employees
305 W. Chesapeake Ave., Suite L - 30
Towson, Md. 21204
Office # 410-296-1875
Fax # 410-296-1879

The Baltimore County Federation of Public Employees Local 4883 will be participating in the 24th Annual MSP Polar Bear Plunge this coming January 25, 2020, which means we will be jumping into the Chesapeake Bay in support of Special Olympics Maryland! But before we do, we need your help to reach our fundraising goal. 

This year, our team will be "BCFPE Local 4883 - Labor for Love". Your gift will not only help us get into the water in January, but it will also directly support more than 8,000 Special Olympics Maryland athletes who train and compete in a variety of sports year-round across the


UPDATE 6/18/2021: the BCFPE FY2022/FY2023 Contract Ratification Voting has ended and membership ACCEPTED the proposal by a vote of 98.9%. Special thanks to everyone who took the time to vote!


Beginning June 15, 2021 at 8:00 AM until June 17, 2021 at 8:00 PM, The Baltimore County Federation of Public Employees will be holding a contract ratification vote for members only.

This ratification vote will be held electronically. You will receive an email to your Baltimore County email address from Baltimore County Federation


BCFPE will be holding Union Days on Thursday Nov. 21, 2019 at the Public Safety Building and Friday Nov. 22, 2019 at Drumcastle Center for Pay Schedule I and III employees. Union reps will be available to discuss benefits of union membership, upcoming negotiations, and to answer questions. Lite refreshments will be provided.

Thurs. Nov. 21, 2019
Baltimore County Public Safety Building

(click for flyer)

700 E Joppa Road, Towson, MD 21286
6th Floor Conference Room
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Open ONLY to Police and Fire Pay Schedule I Employees at 700 E Joppa Rd.

Fri. Nov. 22, 2019
Drumcastle Center
