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Union leaders often make sacrifices. The sacrifice isn’t always wading into nearly freezing water, but that’s what Baltimore County Federation of Public Employees President John Ripley and his team did in the 2020 MSP Polar Bear Plunge. The BCFPE team raised money for the athletes who compete with Special Olympics Maryland. All told, Team BCFPE Local 4883 Labor for Love raised more than $5,300. President Ripley alone raised more than $2,500.

In addition to President Ripley, VP Adam Hendrix also participated in the plunge along with both of their families. President Ripley’s wife Mary solicited


The BCFPE Executive Board has approved Angela Spencer and Jessie Bialek to fill vacant Area Vice President positions on the board. The current board list is as follows:


PresidentJohn E Ripley
Executive Vice-PresidentAdam E. Hendrix
SecretaryDonna C Neumeister
TreasurerDene Williams-Hatcher
Area 1 Vice PresidentDaniel Bianca
Area 2 Vice PresidentBrandon S Rose
Area 3 Vice PresidentArley Scott
Area 4 Vice PresidentAngela Spencer
Area 5 Vice PresidentValentina Washington
Area 6 Vice PresidentHermes L Rios
Area 7 Vice PresidentJessie Bialek


The Baltimore County Federation of Public Employees Local 4883 has long been committed to be partners in the local community. One of the places this partnership shows up is the commitment to the Special Olympics of Maryland. The union's participation began with our late executive vice president Bill Eaton and continues to this day.  CLICK FOR MORE

Leadership of the Baltimore County Federation of Public Employees took time out of their Christmas celebrations with their own loved ones, to deliver presents to county public safety personnel that worked on Christmas Day. President John Ripley donned a Santa costume (beard is all his own however) to spread good cheer to those working. The union prepared care packages leading up to the holiday that Santa and his helper, Mrs. Mary Ripley, delivered to public safety workers helping to keep us safe. It wasn’t the first time that President RipleyClaus made an appearance. This year at the County

The Memorandum of Understanding between the Baltimore County Administration and the BCFPE Local #4883 for FY2022-FY2023 is available on the county website. Click through for the link. MORE

The locals that serve members in Baltimore county were out and about engaging public employees. Union Day was a success as the Baltimore County Federation of Public Employees and the Baltimore County Federation of Public Health Nurses met members and prospective members at their worksite to have conversation around the benefits of joining the union and recent updates to union contracts. Organizers Frank Pratka and Janell Edmonds manned tables in a 3rd floor break room on Friday November 22nd at the Drumcastle County Government Office. 

Pratka said the union day was an opportunity to get out and