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BCFPE Interim Area 1 VP Appointed


On 6/9/22 the BCFPE Executive Board voted unanimously to appoint Joshua Tormey as interim Area 1 Vice President due to vacancy.

BCFPE President John Ripley and the Executive Board would like to thank Baltimore County Correctional Personnel for their service every day and offer special recognition during National Correctional Appreciation Week. Our Correctional Professionals stand a post fearlessly every day and faithfully protect the citizens of Baltimore County.  Corrections has long been considered a silent partner in Public Safety but during this pandemic, they have further proven their partnership by continuing to demonstrate they are a true pillar of the Baltimore County Public Safety System. Thank you for your


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The BCFPE Executive Board would like to say thank you to all our hard-working Baltimore County Public Employees. Your hard work and dedication to citizens of Baltimore County is greatly appreciated. To commemorate your hard work the BCFPE will be raffling off prizes during your respective appreciations’ weeks. From April 15, 2019 thru April 19, 2019 the Baltiimore County 911 center will be celebrating Telecommunicators Appreciation Week. From May 6, 2019 thru May 10, 2019 the Baltimore County Department of Corrections will be celebrating Correctional Employees Appreciation Week. From May 5

Attention BCFPE Members! The Baltimore County Health Care Review Committee (HCRC) is attempting a charter amendment to expand binding arbitration to include employee health care issues. We have petition language approved by the Board of Elections, but we need help collecting 10,000 signatures by August 1st. Click through for forms and more information. MORE

Public Service Recognition Week is the first week of May, and BCFPE honors all of our members this week and every week for their service to the County and their communities. Public Employees are "Always Getting The Job Done"!

Click to watch on YouTube

BCFPE also extends an invitation to all Pay Schedule 1 Members and Prospective Members to stop by the union office May 3rd thru May 5th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., to pick up a complimentary meal voucher coupon for the Towson Mediterranean Grill located across the hall from the union office. We are located at 305 W Chesapeake Ave, Suite L30